NOCH extends business to Vietnam
June 30, 2011
NOCH are established manufacturers of scenic and landscaping materials for model railways, headquartered in Germany. NOCH Asia, a subsidiary of NOCH was founded in Vietnam in 2010. The company has 30 employees manufacturing model trees, figures and miniature plants. This enables NOCH to act independently from previous suppliers in the Far East. Good working conditions guarantee the manufacturing of high quality products.
As NOCH has implemented Microsoft Dynamics NAV software package to manage its business information system in Europe, the company desires to have similar system for all of its subsidiaries, including its NOCH Asia in Vietnam. Therefore, NOCH has partnered with NaviWorld Vietnam, who is a leading local vendor to provide the localized software packs and implementation services.
With NaviWorld Vietnam localized software packs, NOCH Asia is now able to meet all reporting requirements as specified by Vietnamese Accounting Standards. And NOCH Asia staff can easily switch between English and Vietnam GUI screens to perform their daily operations.